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medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences


Authors: Kamya MR, Nankabirwa JI, Arinaitwe E, Rek J, Zedi M, Maiteki-Sebuguzi C, Opigo J, Staedke SG, Oruni A, Donnelly MJ, Greenhouse B, Briggs J, Krezanoski PJ, Bousema T, Rosenthal PJ, Olwoch P, Jagannathan P, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Dorsey G

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences


Authors: Hajj-Boutros G, Faust A, Muscedere J, Kim P, Abumrad N, Chevalier S, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Bergman H, Bowdish D, Burford J, Carrington-Lawrence S, Côté H, Dawe DE, Barreto PS, Farrelly C, Fowler R, Gouspillou G, Harrington L, Lautrup S, Howlett S, Imani M, Kirkland J, Kuchel G, Mallette FA, Morais JA, Newman JC, Pullman D, Sierra F, Van Raamsdonk J, Watt J, Rylett RJ, Duque G



Authors: Adler-Milstein J, Redelmeier DA, Wachter RM

The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics


Authors: Garg M, Oliva J, Lu A, Martin M, Hooper S

JMIR research protocols


Authors: Jones KF, White G, Bennett A, Bulls H, Escott P, Orris S, Escott E, Fischer S, Hamm M, Krishnamurti T, Wong R, LeBlanc TW, Liebschutz J, Meghani S, Smith C, Temel J, Ritchie C, Merlin JS

Bioelectronic medicine


Authors: Peterson D, Van Poppel M, Boling W, Santos P, Schwalb J, Eisenberg H, Mehta A, Spader H, Botros J, Vrionis FD, Ko A, Adelson PD, Lega B, Konrad P, Calle G, Vale FL, Bucholz R, Richardson RM

Medical teacher


Authors: Ritchie A, Ciccariello C, Teherani A, Thomas L

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Elnicki DM, Conigliaro J, López L

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences


Authors: Chui MKK, Schneider K, Miclau K, LaHue SC, Furman D, Leutwyler H, Newman JC